Common errors and solutions
On buying shares
Error: Trying to buy more than 2 shares from assets in the Global or Local market as a new user, registered after January 30, 2024. Solution: New users registered after January 30, 2024, can unlock the ability to purchase more than 2 shares on the Global Market by making a minimum purchase of 3000 Guide Points from the app's Wallet section using the 'Buy Guide Points' option. Error: Attempting to buy a share from a location within less than 24 hours from the last purchase. Solution: Kindly wait for 24 hours from the time of the last purchase before initiating a new one.
On Making Offers
Error: Attempting to submit an offer for a user who is not an Ambassador. Solution: To qualify for making offers, both the sender and the recipient must have achieved one of the Ambassador ranks.
Error: Attempting to submit an offer, when you already have reached the maximum number of shares you can acquire Solution: If you have a pending offer for the same location, you must wait for the offer to expire, be accepted, or be rejected before submitting a new one for the same location.
Moreover, you can increase the number of shares available for purchase by enrolling users who attain Ambassador status (refer to the ‘Positions and Roles’ chapter).
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