Today’s landscape

If you think that Google, Facebook or YouTube make your life easier, you’re probably right. Unfortunately, much of what is awesome about these three search engines also makes them increasingly terrifying with each passing day. Not only do they have all the information and answers about you, but they record everything you enter into its search engines, store it on servers and use it to provide you with what they believe you may be looking for. Why? Because they are a corporation, and their goal is to make money. And they are doing it perfectly using an advertising network that works incredibly well.

In today’s current landscape, there is no dedicated search engine where those interested in the natural environment can interact in a truly meaningful way. A search engine that is solely designed to service the growing demand for travel-focused content in a way that both entertains and informs.

In today’s fragmented social media landscape we see content from travel influencers scattered over the social web making it difficult, and time-consuming for people to find.

And we have a handful of middlemen, like TripAdvisor and gleefully carving out their slice of a $7.6 trillion industry without truly providing a unified user experience that places the wants and needs of the user at the heart of everything they do.

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